There are many factors that contribute to ups and downs in any given real estate market, and a lot of time is spent analyzing “trends” across the country. While analysts treat the figures with all due gravity, there is a recent trend that indicates folks are willing to investigate every option when selling their home.
If you’re a Catholic, you are familiar with St. Joseph. Others may not know about the patron saint of home and family, but if you Google “St. Joseph Statue” on the web, loads of stories of home-selling success appear on the results.
Why? Homeowners of all faiths are following the centuries-old tradition of placing a statue of the saint in a bag and burying it in their yards to increase the likelihood of a sale. (You can get the whole scoop at
It’s not scientific, but it’s not just Catholics who are turning to the saint for help. One website has seen orders for such statues rise 50 percent from last year, meaning many homeowners are having difficulty selling their property.
Nothing beats a listing in excellent condition and fairly priced, and there really isn’t any magic involved in selling your home. All it takes is marketing skill and a ready supply of buyers that our firm already has waiting for you. So call one of our professionals today to obtain successful results including the highest price for your home.