Cherry Tree Survey

The realignment and reconstruction of the Mill River stretch between Broad Street and Main Street will require the removal of nearly all existing cherry trees. This survey indicates the river realignment in relation to the trees.

The tree survey also identifies many of the existing cherries as unfit to survive the transplant process, or whose long term maintenance would be labor intensive with unpredictable results.

Existing Cherry Trees in Bloom

River Realignment in Relationship to Existing Trees

Cherry Tree Experience

The Mill River Park and Greenway Project proposes a dramatic enhancement to the Cherry Tree walks. Because many of the existing Cherry Trees are in decline and will be removed as a result of the river restoration work, the park project will reintroduce the Cherry Tree Experience.

The proposed Cherry Trees will accent walking paths within the park, provide seating and resting opportunities, and preserve newly established vistas to the River. By reinstating the Cherry Tree Experience, the City will be able to continue the historic Stamford Cherry Tree Festivals and maintain the river’s springtime attraction. The Stage II condition of the Cherry Trees will extend the experience into the Sculpture Garden.

Cherry Tree Layout Studies

The design team explored two options within the tree clusters: one using multiple species, the other using only one. A single species approach would use Prunus serrulata 'kwanzan', in order to more accurately recreate the existing Cherry Tree experience. A scheme using multiple species would also include Prunus x yedoensis or Prunus sargentii, whose various bloom times would extend the overall bloom season.


Cherry Tree Layout Study
Multiple Species


Cherry Tree Totals

Proposed: 129 Total including 110 on Formal Allees
Existing: 77 Total including 62 in Formal Allees (ACOE)


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