The Collaborative initiated the plan to hire a top landscape Architect to assemble a team to design Mill River Park in 2004 and raised $200,000 from private donors toward the initial design fee. Olin Partnership was retained by the City as the park designers and the Collaborative negotiated for the Army Corps of Engineers to collaborate with Olin in the design of its river restoration project.
The resulting design is unique among Army Corps projects incorporating many of the latest advances in bioengineering to avoid excessive “armoring” of the banks with rip rap and containing beautiful plantings on a compelling landscape that are appropriate for the premier downtown park of a robust City like Stamford. The Mill River Park & Greenway Master Plan was released by Olin in summer 2007.
The Collaborative is now coordinating Olin’s role in preparing construction contract documents for substantial areas of the park expected to be built over the next few years.
Operations and Maintenance
The Collaborative is partnering with the City of Stamford to make sure that, as sections of the park are completed, that they are maintained at a high standard and that the resources are available for that purpose. The Collaborative has developed an operations and maintenance plan under which it will assume major responsibilities for the park’s implementation, upkeep and operations.