June 11, 2008

Board of Representatives Approves Pedestrian Bridge at Main Street.

In May, the Board of Representatives approved the reconstruction of the deteriorating bridge across the Mill River at Main Street as a pedestrian and bicycle-only bridge. The bridge will also accommodate emergency vehicles and police vehicles. Stamford’s Engineering Bureau will retain an engineering firm to design the bridge using the historic cast iron trusses which will preserve the historical legacy of this unique bridge design that has nearly disappeared.

The pedestrian-only bridge has been a long-held objective of the Mill River Collaborative in order to:

  1. create a pedestrian-friendly corridor across the river into downtown
  2. resolve the five-point intersection that previously posed a serious hazard for pedestrians
  3. eliminate the need for greenway users to cross vehicular traffic as they walk, run or bike along the planned river paths

Mill River Collaborative celebrates the Board of Representatives for embracing the new vision for the future of Mill River Park, despite anxiety among some residents about losing another symbol of the old Route 1.