Twenty years ago, Paul Newman brought together some friends to discuss his vision of bringing seriously ill children to a special place where they could rediscover what they had lost to their illnesses - the joys of childhood.
From that discussion, the first Hole in the Wall Gang Camp was built in upstate Connecticut. From there, Paul's vision spread throughout the United States and the world. There are now 9 Hole in the Wall camps in 5 states and 4 countries and they have cared for and enriched the lives of nearly 100,000 children, their parents and siblings.
The camps are open to children of all races, nationalities and beliefs. They are free of charge. And they offer the children a brief respite from the pain and solitude their illnesses bring them. At the camps, children swim, climb rocks, produce plays, and, most importantly of all, laugh. |
Those touched by the camps have left behind countless testimonials to the strength they have gained and how important the experience has been as they continue to struggle against their illnesses.
Jordan River Village, in Israel, is the newest Hole in the Wall camp. Thanks to the efforts of the Jordan River Village's founders, Murray and Marilyn Grant, the current co-chairs, Chaim Topol and Sara Lahat, and the personal involvement of Paul Newman, the Government of Israel has made 61 acres available to JRV in the lower Galilee.
Please visit the Jordan River Village website,, for Site & Development information. Click here to see up-to-date photos of the construction.