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" Thank you for all that you have done to make this a reality!"
- Sr. Ellen Donahue
" Nine years later, we couldn't be happier with our space - it looks great and functions efficiently."
- Miller Freeman
" Our offices function much better now, and all of our patients compliment us on our new look.  And we were under budget!"
- Dr. Burger
" I've heard nothing but great things. Noise levels are low, colors are great, furniture is great. Functionally, you did a lot with a little.”
-  Project Engineer, Novartis Pharmaceuticals

In undertaking your commercial or residential building project, you are committing time, effort and money towards a valuable and productive investment that will be a source of inspiration for years to come. 

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Our prime responsibility is to be good stewards of the resources that you entrust to us.  This includes adhering to your budget, establishing a realistic and achievable schedule, and creating an experience uniquely tailored to your lifestyle or work environment.

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A successful building must embrace your business goals, increase the efficiency of your work environment, and respond to the context of the site on which it is located.  The resulting design should serve your current needs while allowing for change in the future. 

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We believe in designing buildings for a healthy way of living - incorporating Sustainable Design so that your building treads lightly on the landscape, creating a high performance building enclosure to maximize energy efficiency, and using state of the art building systems to reduce the costs of operation.

All while Creating a unique “Sense of Place.”  Together, we can create a comfortable, functional and inspirational environment.

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Copyright 2009, DYAMI Architecture PC
design by 180 Interactive
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