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" Thank you for all that you have done to make this a reality!"
- Sr. Ellen Donahue
" Nine years later, we couldn't be happier with our space - it looks great and functions efficiently."
- Miller Freeman
" Our offices function much better now, and all of our patients compliment us on our new look.  And we were under budget!"
- Dr. Burger
" I've heard nothing but great things. Noise levels are low, colors are great, furniture is great. Functionally, you did a lot with a little.”
-  Project Engineer, Novartis Pharmaceuticals

DYAMI can take on the complex task of managing your project, or portions of your project.  We can act as your representative - essentially an extension of your staff - to coordinate those aspects of the construction process that are typically outside the scope of traditional architectural services. 

Our clients appreciate the advantages of an integrated design and management team in controlling time and costs.  Since we are involved in the design and construction process, we have the experience to successfully represent your interests in coordinating with contractors, vendors, suppliers, and the local municipalities.  We will tailor our services to meet the unique needs you may have.

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We’ve gained an excellent reputation for saving our client’s time, stress and money, so we are often called upon to manager or administer projects for other designers as well.

We offer these services separately, or in conjunction with architectural or interior design services.  The practical experience gained from designing and managing projects allows us to anticipate common problems Clients encounter while administering their projects before they arise, and address them early on.





Copyright 2009, DYAMI Architecture PC
design by 180 Interactive
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