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" Thank you for all that you have done to make this a reality!"
- Sr. Ellen Donahue
" Nine years later, we couldn't be happier with our space - it looks great and functions efficiently."
- Miller Freeman
" Our offices function much better now, and all of our patients compliment us on our new look.  And we were under budget!"
- Dr. Burger
" I've heard nothing but great things. Noise levels are low, colors are great, furniture is great. Functionally, you did a lot with a little.”
-  Project Engineer, Novartis Pharmaceuticals

Educational design is an interactive process that requires the ability to listen, synthesize, and respond to a wide range of requirements and demands.  We at DYAMI believe that educational environments should be designed to facilitate and enrich the learning process.  Your facility should highlight your mission, stimulate student creativity, foster a sense of belonging, showcase student achievements, and promote community support.

Successful educational facilities must provide an environment that allows students to learn effectively and efficiently.  They must accommodate current technologies, yet remain flexible for a changing future.  They must also be safe, healthy environments.  Our ability to provide both architectural and interior design services for educational facilities shortens the design schedule while improving the overall coordination and quality of the design.

By working together and exchanging ideas, we can develop insightful solutions, and present options from which informed decisions can be made.  We will assist in building consensus at every stage of the design process, and keep the team focused on the project mission and goals that are established.  Together we can create a comfortable, functional and inspirational environment for learning.

Education Portfolio (click on thumbnail to view images below)

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Education Clients  
Blue Rock School   New York Medical College
Columbia University   Pace University
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory   Rockland County Head Start

Copyright 2009, DYAMI Architecture PC
design by 180 Interactive
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